Create a time capsule for your loved ones

You won’t be here forever, we’re here to make sure your most important Digital Assets are.

Check this out

How it works!

Store your most precious memories with ADAM:


What makes ADAM great &
Core Features:

Easy to use interface

Update your folders and files any time you want. Super easy to use and convenient.

Store Your Notes

Have a message to pass on to loved ones, passwords, or your favourite jokes? We have you covered.

Wide-Ranging Tiers

V2 will include tiers ranging from free to life-long memberships we have subscription tiers for all of our users.

Prioritization of security

Your files and data will only be released after your death. Privacy and dignity in both life and death.

Store Photos & Videos

Securely store all of the cherished photos and videos you would like to pass on to your loved ones.

Store Your Important Files

Store all file types on ADAM. Share your favourite recipes, stories you've written, legal documents, and everything in-between.

We knew you would probably have questions so we figured we'd answer them for you!

What is a Release Timer? ⏰

A Release TimerTM prevents your executor from accessing your ADAM account until the timer runs out giving you time to reset your key if you’re still alive.

What is an Executor Key? 🔑

An Executor KeyTM is a special security key you can give someone you trust right away when you create an ADAM account. This key is what's used to access your account.

What happens to your subscriber fees once you pass away? 🧾

We bake in the maximum release timer plus 3 months. We also allow the Executor to buy a package to maintain the account.

How much storage do you get? 🫙

A) Free Basic Account: 50 images, 1 video limit for 5 minutes or less (in V1.0), 20 files and notes (max size 10MB), with Ads.B) Premium Paid Subscriber: 500 images, 5 gigs of videos, 100 files and notes (max size 1 gig). No ads

How much does it cost? 💰

ADAM is currently free!

Is it only for mobile devices? 📱

Currently yes, but in a planned later version, we will be launching a desktop platform as well.

How is this different than what is available out there? 👨‍💻

There is currently nothing like ADAM on the market making ADAM truly unique. The individualized portfolio that you create coupled with our Executor KeyTM and Release TimerTM makes ADAM the only convenient, personalized, and secure digital asset manager that ensures only what you want your loved ones to see when you pass away is delivered. Every other solution in the market at the moment is an “All or Nothing” solution – which in this digital age is simply undesirable.

How is this different than having a Dropbox or OneDrive? 📥

ADAM is the only solution with an Executor KeyTM and Release TimerTM. If you give someone your dropbox username and password, anytime they want they can access the box you left them. With ADAM, anyone attempting to use your executor key while you are alive will be locked out and you will be immediately notified and given an opportunity to change your Executor KeyTM. Remember, we all have stuff that we want people to eventually have – just not when we are still alive. ADAM keeps out those nosy loved ones.

Who would use ADAM? 🧐

Everyone with a mobile device. We feel that digital asset accumulation is only going to grow exponentially and the need for ADAM will only keep growing. The timing is perfect for ADAM and its market usefulness will only get greater with time. Approximately 1.36 billion iPhone users worldwide in 2023 and there are around 136 million iPhone users in the United States in 2023. (Source:

Do you think it is hard to get people to think about their death? 🪦

Absolutely! Actually, we don’t want you to think about your death. In fact, we want you to live a long, prosperous, and interesting life so that you’ll populate ADAM with a great treasure trove of digital assets. We want people to think about protecting those assets. Just like you would make a will for your home or cottage - there is a ton of digital information that we want our loved ones to have when we pass, we just don’t want them to have it while we are alive – ADAM is a easy to use, convenient, and secure solution to that end.